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6 Fabulous Reasons to Get Married

The whole topic of marriage is globally shared and people think they know about it, how to maintain it, when and where to marry for example. Any marriage is possibility one of the biggest events in anybody's life with the whole event being quite literally a tumultuous occasion for some from conception to completion and with every type of surprise appearing on the way.
This period of time in particular, the concept of marriage tends to find itself in even more of a predicament with quite a few couples deciding not to get married for motives which directly stem from financial set-up costs, not actually believing in the whole concept, or just not wanting to do it because of the 'push' that society puts on it as a "must" and proper thing to do.
1. You have finally discovered your life partner
The first step is to decide that you would like to give yourself to this person for the entirety of your life. Your potential marriage partner has in no doubt been subjected to everything that is good and bad in you and is still coming back for more. Finding that ideal someone is really the bases of unlimited devotion and love, however it's really only those people that are in that next stage of considering marriage that will know that it is the right thing for them to do.
2. Committing is your next step
Quite a few people decide to live with their partners beforehand, however when one is married it can be seen as some kind of heavy, strong and unfounded trap. It really is none of those things; however it's more of an affirmation for you and your chosen one to be together. The legal contract is really just a bigger commitment that you have announced your 'foreverness' in front of family and friends and really does give the marriage a good and stable commitment for both parties.
3. It's good to have "someone to blame" in life!
It's really quite common, lost phones, keys, you name it we've done it! In fact a side of marriage is that one naturally tends to blame the other for the little things. Although getting into arguments about those 'little things' can at times be quite trying, nonetheless such arguments usually result in the actual item being found, which is good for all parties. This is really just a minor point here, however with two people working out 'where that remote went' for example, problem solving in general becomes a breeze.
4. You get to celebrate a whole night around you!
The whole ceremony and its following activities really do give one good reason alone for getting married. The 'Stag do' through to one's primary anniversary; the whole concept of marriage presents a good reason for receiving gifts and all celebrations that comes with it.
5. Embarrassing dates are a thing of the past!
We humans can get quite easily scarred emotionally after certain bad dates and relationships in general. This can motivate people to wanting marriage to come along quicker. The whole idea of marriage really does give the most perfect pretext for saying 'no' to others who are interested in you.

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